Pinecrest Blog

List of 5 news stories.

  • Why I Am Grateful to Work in a Catholic School

    Recently, I had the opportunity to speak to our freshman girls PE classes about the benefits of having required strength training as a part of their daily school schedule. The skills they are learning and the habits they are building, if continued, will benefit every aspect of their overall health for years to come. 
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  • 5 Ways Your Child Can Benefit from Smaller Class Sizes

    There are many factors to consider when choosing the right school for your child —curriculum, extracurriculars, and school culture — but have you ever considered how the size of your child’s class can have a profound impact on their learning experience?
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  • 4 Practical Ways to Live Out the Virtue of Humility

    At  Pinecrest Academy, we often speak of developing the mind, body, spirit, and heart of our students. And as part of our Virtue Program, humility is one of the virtues we work to instill in our students. As we strive to form Christian leaders who will transform society, understanding and practicing humility is paramount.
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  • Pillars Offers a Village to Parents

    Parents, you weren’t meant to do this parenting thing solo! Building a "village" of fellow parents with children the same age is a game-changer for navigating the ups and downs of raising kids today.
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  • How Your Kids' Team Sports Foster Leadership

    "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." - Martin Luther King Jr.
    In a world that often emphasizes individual achievement, team sports shine as beacons of collective growth and character development. At Pinecrest Academy, we recognize that the values instilled through participation in team sports—discipline, persistence, teamwork, humility, and diligence—are not just game-day skills, but lifelong virtues that shape future leaders. Let's explore how lessons learned on the field translate into success in life's greater arena.
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