Kyra Norris Class of 2018

Kyra Norris Class of 2018, graduated with Honors from the University of North Georgia with her Bachelors of Science degree in Nursing in December of 2021. Throughout her time in Nursing school she worked as a patient care technician with Northeast Georgia Health Systems in Gainesville. She recently passed her boards and is ready to get hands on in the medical field as a cardiology nurse starting late February 2022.

Kyra and her family attribute much of her dedication and drive to succeed in life to the rigors of Pinecrest’s academic program, and her love for helping people directly from her mission trips to Haiti and Nicaragua with Pinecrest. Kyra’s parents believe that the mission trips really helped open Kyra’s eyes to the plight of those less fortunate than her and helped her appreciate living here in the United States. It is so easy to forget how great we have it when our “Normal” view of the world consists of attending Pinecrest and living in Forsyth County.